Friday, September 12, 2008

Lunch and Soccer @ the Hell Hole

Well I'm already getting lazy at posting but here's some free time....

Was over my bud's house Don aka Ephyu for some Saturday afternoon Premier League soccer and cold brews when he said lunch would be included with the festivities. Great I said I'm
I'm always down to lend a hand cooking, prepping, critiquing, eating. Well Don is no slouch when it comes to whipping up a grade A meal off the grill.He prepared some juicy burgers made with steak seasoning,A1, and planko breadcrumbs 2/3 pounder burgers to be exact.

Served up just right cooked medium with cheese fresh cornmeal dusted roll
mine made with lettuce,tomato,grilled onion which I'll get to in a minute and mayo. served on the side was red white and blue potato salad mouth watering .........

The only Prep I did to help was peel the appetizers which was sweet Vidalia onion cored stuffed with a beef bouillon cube and butter and wrapped in aluminum foil then set on the grill to cook away.After 30-40 minutes of unattended grilling came these supple, juicy globes of goodness rich with flavor that melted in your mouth like jello. Served in a bowl it was the grilled equivalent to french onion soup. A recipe Don got from his Mom over the summer at the beach.

As for the soccer that afternoon I don't remember much but the company and the food were top notch
Thank for the grub Don and by the way......
Ephyu Ayhole